Hey guys, itas been really really long since i updated my blog....Lots have been going on in my life.Most of my friends should know bt i cant really share it here.Im really consentrating on my studies now, other then tt can wait...i really feel very left out nowadays...wen im in school either i dun want to join my friends in their conversation or i just dun havee the mood to talk to them..And also its kinda hard to talk to them cause mostly they are chinese n malay so they have their own gang..Haiz so most of the time they will be taking in their own lanuage n i wont understand...Really miss Jocelyn n anige....Well, there's no more amber so i proberbly will see them often...Heik heik...Well tts abt all. will try to blog more often...
c ya
pasie out
Monday, November 16, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I love this song from Beyonce. Its called Broken-hearted girl...So suit my situation rite now...
You’re everything I thought you never were
And nothing like I thought you could’ve been
But still you live inside of me
So tell me how is that?
You’re the only one I wish I could forget
The only one I’d love to not forgive
And though you break my heart, you’re the only one
And though there are times when I hate you
Cause I can’t erase
The times that you hurt me
And put tears on my face
And even now while I hate you
It pains me to sayI know
I’ll be there at the end of the day
I don’t wanna be without you babe
I don’t want a broken heart
Don’t wanna take a breath with out you babe
I don’t wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way no... no...
I don’t want a broken heart
And I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl...No...No
No broken-hearted girlI’m no broken-hearted girl
Haiz no one can say wads heading towards us...So tts all i want to share wif u guys...
You’re everything I thought you never were
And nothing like I thought you could’ve been
But still you live inside of me
So tell me how is that?
You’re the only one I wish I could forget
The only one I’d love to not forgive
And though you break my heart, you’re the only one
And though there are times when I hate you
Cause I can’t erase
The times that you hurt me
And put tears on my face
And even now while I hate you
It pains me to sayI know
I’ll be there at the end of the day
I don’t wanna be without you babe
I don’t want a broken heart
Don’t wanna take a breath with out you babe
I don’t wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way no... no...
I don’t want a broken heart
And I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl...No...No
No broken-hearted girlI’m no broken-hearted girl
Haiz no one can say wads heading towards us...So tts all i want to share wif u guys...
Friday, October 2, 2009
Blaze camp
Just Came back from Blaze Camp...It was really fun at the same time exhausting...It was 4 days and 3 nights at saribun scout camp.
On the first day
We had to meet at Bukit Batok ITE and had debrief.They grouped us into different colour groups, i was in PINK group..haha then we headed off to Sarimbun Scout Camp at Jalan Bahtera Road.We put down our bags and went to pitch our tents. I must say that it was quite easy pitching tents and not forgetting that it was fun.After which we had lunch and started our very first activity as a group..It was called Meuse. It was very challenging and we had to work as a group..then we had another game called key punch...i aint going to explain each game cause then it will be really long..After the games, we went to have a shower then dinner, after which we went to prepare for our campfire cheer and decorated our banner..Our group name was Kepat Pink Pink...Then we had debrief and supper then went to sleep..
On the second day
Woke up and had morning physical Training...Had to run haiz its been so long since i ran...haha bt good exercise though...Had breakfast and started our activites.First game was called the whale watch was a balance type of game.The next game was called the mine feild..It was really intresting playing that game..Followed by our LUNCH...Yummy..I must confess that the food over there really sucked..even the milo was sooo watery...bt had to live with it.ok so after lunch we had wet activites which was my favourite, you noe y cause im just dying to get into water as it was really scorching hot...ok so the next one was called Raft building, we had to build a raft and each raft can carry only 5 person each so we had a few ropes wif 4 tyres and one of my teamates decided to build it like a dragon boat and we did and it worked haha...moving Challenge Valley..We were given a few challenging station to get through..it was really fun...theres one where you have to walk on a rope then there will be a slide then have to slide down to the pond which was called the milo pond. it was relly yucky cause the colour of the pond was like teh terik..haha oo and the worst thing is that the centre of the pond is full of SHIT...How gross is that...EEEEEuuu...haha ok so then we had ouyr shower and dinner..After that we had to prepare for the next day..we had to learn to read a compass as the next day we had land expedition...After we learnt we had supper and headed off to sleep....
Ok i will continue 2morrow i guess, im too tired to blog...
Friday, August 28, 2009
Love Love Love

Ok!! After So long of nt updating, i finally decided to update..Im sorry guys, i noe tt u guys wants to noe wads been going on in my life..Haha..Bt i wont tell u..Its HUSH HUSH.!!!Actually im enjoying my life...ok abit of my love life..I really really love my Honey bear so much...haha so thr u go guys..K todae didnt have cause my teacher had course so instead i went to Jocelyn's house to do our project...Met her around 11.30 bought stuff and headed to her house...On the Way thr, really glad that we talked things out..So started wif the project and then we had to wait for Jeremy..But then we were hungry so we had lots n lots of MARSHMALLOWS...haha i love them..thx joce for tt...AFT remy came,we went for lunch n then did our project...We took lots of pics to put in our project...Sry i cant upload them cause my blog has problem i guess..It was really fun taking n bulling jeremy..haha..That was the most fun part...haha and 2dae is like i was the most hyper one...Maybe cause i ate my lunch so i had lots of energy..haha i keep disturbing or should i say irritating joce and remy..Maybe i didnt take my medicine..haha I had the most exciting dae...Im glad tt mi n joce are in good terms rite now...hehe I will change myself...im sry JIALING...So yea tts abt all rite now...
Will blog wen i feel like blogging...
Pasie out!!
Love Mood
Monday, July 27, 2009
The Day ain't bright...
Hey guys, so as usual went to school and got ready to get our ass into kitchen..I have to admit that it was messy as everyone were new to their stations and had no idea wad they were supposed to do!But we pulled through and we always will no matter wad...Was pretty hactic as we were'nt organised.But lets get real, it was not the worst thing tt happened to us, i mean c'mon we been worst...So gt out from kitchen around 2pm, changed then went hm wif the usual group..Haiz..

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hey guys, its been long since i blogged...Was lazy n tired...Bt anyway these are some pictures that my classmates made for the competition 'TOBASCO'.It was really gd although they didn't win.Gd job guys.They really put in alot of their time n effort...Let me just update u guys wad has been happening tis past weeks...nth much really, just the same every week...Monday - Tuesday m working in Amber restaurant n then On Wednesday - Thursday i have theory which is kinda dry for me...I become more sleepier during theory hehe...Hush hush...And on Fridays, I have Demo in the Morning then have PE and then have practical..Pretty long dae on Friday...So thr tts wad has been happening during the weeks...
Well, I would like to share smth abt my dear friend...I dunt really noe hw to start but here goes...
His name is Nash...He is Mr COOL AND HANDSOME...He is Hilarious though..And Extremely Cute!!!Everybody in class sure do love him...i cant really sae much bt i can definetly repeat this, tt he is co0l n VERY Cute guy...No words can describe him....He's absolutly totally cute n awesome...HEHEHE.....
So yea tts it for 2dae...
Pasie out...
Brinz :)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
A tribute to Michael Jackson

I want to share my tribute to everyone.I love MJ since i was young, and even till this very dae i listen to his songs..They are very meaningful and to think of it he actually changed the music industries and the people with his songs..He brought people together with his songs..He will be greatly remembered for long by people all around the world.He suffered a heart attack this morning at his home and was completely motionless, wen he arrived in the hospital, doctors tried to resuscitate him but he was completely unresponsive..MJ, 50, died as he was attempting a comeback after years of tabloid headlines..He was rehearsing very hard the night before his death..A cardiologist said "This is the type of patient who could have a stress test the day before and it could be completely normal, and the next day could have a plaque rupture and a fatal heart attack,"who did not treat Jackson.MJ was a talented performer despite having change his looks...His greatest hit album was Thriller and his famous move was the moonwalk..Despite the things he has done, People will always always remember the KING OF POP...Its turely a shocking news for everyone who idolize him.
He is an icon of music..Every song he wrote there is always a meaning and tt it touches ppl's life..
He made an impact on everyone's lives and he truly made HISTORY....May u Dance in haven with angels...
Monday, June 22, 2009
HAHA...LOL...IM JUST CRAZY TODAE....haha cause i miss everyone at school....HAha...
ESPECIALLY JIA LING....LOL...DAMN OH shit....IM JUST CRAZY....I LOVE EVERYONE TODAE....YAHOO....OK stop i seriously have nothing better to do...And nothing to blog so here is one hell of a crazy wacky post hahaha.......HMMM....I MISS JIALING,JIALING,JIALING, KOKWAY,DARREN,ANGIE....GT more I think the WHOLE class...........
Ok i better stop...Blog again soon....
Pasie out.....
ESPECIALLY JIA LING....LOL...DAMN OH shit....IM JUST CRAZY....I LOVE EVERYONE TODAE....YAHOO....OK stop i seriously have nothing better to do...And nothing to blog so here is one hell of a crazy wacky post hahaha.......HMMM....I MISS JIALING,JIALING,JIALING, KOKWAY,DARREN,ANGIE....GT more I think the WHOLE class...........
Ok i better stop...Blog again soon....
Pasie out.....
Friday, June 19, 2009
Heys guys sry for not updating my blog for this whole week...I had SIA which was held in School...It's really tiring...Bt at least i got the feel of working in hotels....Its from 8.30-ard 5pm...AND yea its one week of holiday before the next SIA begins....Six guys and One girl hw odd is tt...Darren,Indra,Jefferey,Bob,Waddy,K-an and Me......Darren is soooo damn high during SIA...During tis few weeks i have found out alot about my friends, All the guys are damn Horny...especially Indra and darren...Sheez Y was i the only girl...By the end of this week im already getting use to their nonsense and stuff....And Darren just could not stop irritating the people around him....Espesically Sir Darryl and K-an And Me....Oh well as he says He is the source of Entertainment haha....Oh and yea attention seeker as well...
So i guess this is abt all i can say for tis week....
Pasie out....
So i guess this is abt all i can say for tis week....
Pasie out....
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Im a Grouchy person
Hey yo ppl....Yesterdae was kinda weird dae for mi...Im so Sorry Kok Way for being angry towards you..Its such a small matter and i gt angry for tt...Sorry....Tis few days im kinda having mixed emotions..I dunt have any idea wad i say or wad i do....And i hurt ppl who is close to mi Im sorry....I act differently to certain ppl....I have no idea y its happening....I dunt feel happy..Its like someone sucked my happiness out from mi...Now im tis grouchy person...Haiz So probably i will update later for more...
Pasie out...
Pasie out...
Friday, June 12, 2009
Mixed feelings...

Emotions are everywhere for mi 2dae....I went out wif my whole class todae to Sia Huat plus wif my teacher, it is located at China town....Went there to see KitchenWares...We met up around 10.30-11.00am some were late including mi...U noe i like to take my time dunt really like to rush..Haha..We walked there in the scorching hot sun...Realli hot 2daae...So anwaies after looking around in Sia Huat like a group of us decided to go PS to eat Sakae Sushi....We went thr around 1.30, check the restaurant and had to wait till 3pm for the tea time special or something...So we walked around Ps and Darren, Jocelyn, and mi decided to eat at the Foodcourt...We could'nt wait till that long so we just carried on wif our lunch...Hmm let mi recall what we each had..I had Thai Seafood Fried rice extra spicy which was really spicy,Jocelyn had Fish Noodle (i think), and Darren had Nasi Briyani...Then Angie,Waddy and elton came to join us in which elton left half way to i dunt noe where...Waddy went to buy the same food as Darren...While waiting for Waddy to Gobble up his food...Guess who popped by...Eric,Han Wei and Lesley...They sat and ate wif us as they could no longer endure their stomach grumbling...after which eric n i switch places so that He could be wif Jocelyn and i could sit nxt to Han wei...Haha Something not rite wif eric n jocelyn...lol...Then just hang around outside Ps thinking of wad to do....then finally decided to go home..Haha...and yea tts what happened todae...
So pasie out ppl...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
SOS....Somebody help Mi...
Heys guys sry for the long long wait......I dunt really feel like blogging these few days,Nothing much to blog aniwaies....Life is getting back to boring....Thx Han Han for everything....I noe hw you feel too we r in the same boat...Im so damn Obsessed wif boredom...argh...SOS pls somebody help mi....Im abt to go out of my mind..anwaies hope im going to help them wif tobasco haha....so happy anwaies i dunt think i have ani more to blog so ...
pasie out ppl....
pasie out ppl....
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I LOVE YOU JIALING..............
Hey guys really sry for nt updating for quite some time.....
Bt i was really busy, concentrating on my studies...Nxt week is my exams argh like totally stressed up and beside gt smth else also which just combines together and i feel like crying....I cant talk to anyone about this....Im really sorry if i did smth wrong in fact i dunt noe wad i did wrong....I kinda find its unfair seeing u treating mi so differently from others and making mi feel guilty about it....Y have you change??? U need to tell mi or talk to mi abt it....Todae in class during IKP, i felt tt smth was missing.....I noe the answer and i cant keep feeling tis way its not mi...Seeing u changing is making me change.....I cant do tis anymore....I've decided to stay away from you until you are ready...We were so close and you just..........Forget it..Hope things change quickly....Tts it for now...
adioz ppl....
Bt i was really busy, concentrating on my studies...Nxt week is my exams argh like totally stressed up and beside gt smth else also which just combines together and i feel like crying....I cant talk to anyone about this....Im really sorry if i did smth wrong in fact i dunt noe wad i did wrong....I kinda find its unfair seeing u treating mi so differently from others and making mi feel guilty about it....Y have you change??? U need to tell mi or talk to mi abt it....Todae in class during IKP, i felt tt smth was missing.....I noe the answer and i cant keep feeling tis way its not mi...Seeing u changing is making me change.....I cant do tis anymore....I've decided to stay away from you until you are ready...We were so close and you just..........Forget it..Hope things change quickly....Tts it for now...
adioz ppl....

Reply to jia ling....
Thats nvr true....DUNT SAY THAT ok ....U may think that you r boring to mi but to me u R NT...i dunt want you to feel left out and is like without you thrs no me.... really enjoy being wif you and u r NT BORING understand.....you do entertain mi even before i started to noe them you were wif mi and we were the entertainments and we could not care less wad ppl say...Wad happen to tat Jocelyn tat i met....I want her back....I miss her alot.....Dunt say it urself tt u are boring cause you are not la...I did nt even say tt did i ?If u think that i nt being wif u is going to make it better, you so so wrong lady....Its only making it worst...I hope you understand...pls dunt do tis to mi...i feel very weird and awkward...I love you Jocelyn/Mummy/Jialing/spongebob/catwomen.......Wad happen to the times we had so much fun huh? I miss that so much....We would go crazy and wild and super duper hyper...haha....I dunt want to leave you out....oooo and remember we use to tell each secret stuff and we would u noe talk abt it ....yea its like nowadays we dunt really talk to each other tt much n nvr share anything to each other....No FAIR....I WANT TIS TO CHANGE...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Yesterdae I had the most great time ever....Our teacher and the NYAA people who is Andrew, sherine, Samuel, Wee ping, Eric and me went to volunteer ourself to help out for the old folks and the small kids whose parents abundant them..Its kinda like a small carnival for them....and it was at the Singapore Flyer Sky Deck...So we arrived thr at 12pm and we had to pack the goodie packs for them...Then we changed to a green t-shrit which they provided for us and it was kinda nice...haha While we waited for the kids to arrive we had glitter tattoos done on ourself and Andrew had his face painted so funny he looked haha....Then wen the kids came i had no idea wad to do bt sherine was happily finding for kids to play around...Untill i lost her and i couldnt find her...so i gt bored and i had nth to do n the rest of my friends were bored and so we sat and talked...And its nt like us only volunteering like thrs alot of people volunteered for this...Until i got really bored tt i went up to this station whr we can make our own beads and i started doing for myself bt then while im doing it my friends came up to mi and they were like "wah who r u doing for, never do for mi, you r very bad.."And i felt bad so i made everyone 1 even my teacher bt except andrew he didnt ask....Then sherine came and she decided she wants to do it to so we were doing it together and we didnt eat lunch as we were'nt hungry...After lunch the kids came back and was playing again...Sherine and mi decided to go in the (the big ballon whr u can jump on it) i dunt really noe whats tt called...Anw so we went in and became the monsters start catching the kids...It was damn fun at the same time tiring....They were rough too...OHH it brings back childhood memories...hehe...After they left, we cleared up and we had breifing...They had extra tickets for the Singapore Flyer so we quickly took it bt it wasnt enough for all of us...Andrew and Sherine was left out...Sry Guys....SO Sam, Eric, And mi went up...I really loved it cause eric kept making us laugh and ya we had picnic thr...We brought one goodie bag up so we happily eating and enjoying the view haha damn good n nice...We took like lots of pic as i insisted...haha Sam bought a pic of us tt we took before went on....Then We went to Marina Square to eat Dinner at Pizza hut...Like i only had $6...Haha But Eric kinda treat us so Thanks Eric........So we quickly walked back to City Hall MRT station and i took bus home...ANd i went home at 11pm...First time i came home alone this late...haha...SO yea Jocelyn and Kokway happy this post is long and i have updated....O ya sry guys have no pic yet its wif sam once i get it i will upload it...aightes
Paise out....
Paise out....
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
hey i just want to tell this person whoever u are tt i do nt like anyone in my class ok...And you are wrong, in my post i have nvr said tt i liked a chef aightes...Get your facts right before spreading it to everyone....I hate people who spread false rumours....And STOP being a BIG mouth...ok...
Anw Jocelyn is great tt you r getting better....Hope to c ya in sch 2morrow....Kok Way lets continue playing Audition Sea....And stop calling me (you should noe) TT name....I will smack ur head wen i see you....ok...
Pasie out...
Anw Jocelyn is great tt you r getting better....Hope to c ya in sch 2morrow....Kok Way lets continue playing Audition Sea....And stop calling me (you should noe) TT name....I will smack ur head wen i see you....ok...
Pasie out...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Get Well Soon..
OMG y is evey1 getting sick nowadays.....Jocelyn I hope you recover soon and i hope you come to sch 2morrow...U got 2 man....ANd Ma'am Pls take care for your health....We are missing you...We dunt have class for like three days im going to be home sick....AHHHHH......KOK WAY!!!! U better play wif mi audition one more time...And dunt worry im nt going to be addicted to it...I just hope tis swine flu and all the funny funny sickness goes away very soon...I hate sickness...EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW....So for those who is going to be sick or alrdy pls take good care of youself....
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Its Been Four damn tiring dae...Had practical for four consecutive daes...Haiz Tis is hw it is going to be like wen i start working in Restaurants.....We sold food to the training kitchen 2dae...Red Wine Chicken wif Curry Pumpkin Soup wif Garlic Mash and Sauteed Vegetables...WooooHooo..
We were abit too late to present our food bt we improved alot....YAY...I can See tt everyone is damn Tired...I had nt rest enough for the past four days....Damn it is tiring....Wen i went to school i was like total Emo and i said to myself that i dunt have ENERGY to be hyper like hw i was...Bt Then wen i saw my frends I dunt noe where the Energy came from bt i was like super duper hyper bt thr was abit of emoing haha needed to rest...Todae was really great i just cant wait for the weekends and MOTHER'S DAE.....Hope eveyone has something planned for your very special MOM...If U dunt u better think of smth, u still gt time....I think tt's all o ya, Try out Honey Milk Tea or strawberry Milk Tea...It's really smth...
We were abit too late to present our food bt we improved alot....YAY...I can See tt everyone is damn Tired...I had nt rest enough for the past four days....Damn it is tiring....Wen i went to school i was like total Emo and i said to myself that i dunt have ENERGY to be hyper like hw i was...Bt Then wen i saw my frends I dunt noe where the Energy came from bt i was like super duper hyper bt thr was abit of emoing haha needed to rest...Todae was really great i just cant wait for the weekends and MOTHER'S DAE.....Hope eveyone has something planned for your very special MOM...If U dunt u better think of smth, u still gt time....I think tt's all o ya, Try out Honey Milk Tea or strawberry Milk Tea...It's really smth...
Pasie Out.....
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The Usual....
Hey yar....Tis week is like tiring....Mostly like every freaking dae thr is practical...yesterdae we had fun in the kitchen...We did red wine chicken and we had to pan fry it...It's almost like BBQing it....So everyone had fire coming out from their pan and they were taking pics including mi...Its something like Flambe...It was fun, but scary kinda of way cause we were playing wif fire...hahs..tts abt all for yesterdae....
Well for 2dae arrived in sch at 8.30 and had to take temperature....then started practical wif the whole class at 9...We were selling our food to the training kitchen...So we had to prepare very fast..Luckily Jocelyn partnered me...Haha if nt i dunt think i can finish all by myself....Thx babe...so after presenting it in a plate we could eat the left overs and mine was 1 of them....So i took back my plate and then a hungry ghost came and ate my chicken wif cranberry sauce...LOL...EAT EAT EAT...No wonder he has a Santa clause stomach...LOL...Then cleared up...Im so relieved tt 2dae had no IKP..Went to IMM's GIANT after practical wif Jocelyn, Han Wei, Elton, Jenny, Darren, Eric, Jeremey, Sherine and few more to look for 2morrow practice for the Tabasco competition....It was really really fun...Especially Darren and the video he shared wif mi....It was damn freaking hilarious, Couldn't stop myself from laughing out Loud.....Then we went to Long John Silver to have our lunch..After tt we took a shuttle bus to the Mrt station and half of the grp went to play pool and the other went home...Im really exhausted, was like sleeping in the bus...haha..
To someone:
Im really sorry for wad had happen....I cant give you your birthdae wish and i dunt think i can ever fullfill tt wish for you...Im really sorry, I can't...It was meant to be tis way...Can't help it...But i want to be a frend to you, Is the least i can do...Happy Birthdae...Hope you are happy wif your life...Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAE...
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Its All about Love...
Just want to share with you guys something...
Have you ever been in Love?
Do u noe wad love is?
Do you noe how to express it?
I don't really noe how to express it but i damn well noe i can express it one way or another....
I wrote a poem about a person i really liked, and i want to share it with you guys...
When i first saw you
You irritated the hell out of me
When i talk to you You gave me sarcasm
But when i saw you the second time,My heart was set on sparks
My day lit up
I smile when you tease me
Each and every night i would think about you
Looking at every corner to see if you are around
Making me feel your warmth
My heart saddens if i Dun see you
All I'm saying is that desire comes and goes
I want you wif me every second I call you to see if you responded
And you would turn to even ask me y
The perfect world was just around us
But you did not acknowledge it
All i want is a simple yes
But now it is just gone
Not talking isn't gonna take it away
I'm missing you day and night
Not seeing you for a day could get me upset
I keep bleeding till you re gone
I treasure you in my heart always
Realizing how much i miss you
Day by day you drift away from me
I want you to be close to me forever
Being beside me when i need you
Lending me your shoulder when I'm crying.
Love is all around us..Love can be amazing, if you find the right person.Love can touch us one time, And last for a lifetime, And never let go till we're gone..So people out there who are in love hold on to ur partners as long as you can...And people who are not, not to worry the time will come....Stay Happy People.....
Pasie Out....
Have you ever been in Love?
Do u noe wad love is?
Do you noe how to express it?
I don't really noe how to express it but i damn well noe i can express it one way or another....
I wrote a poem about a person i really liked, and i want to share it with you guys...
When i first saw you
You irritated the hell out of me
When i talk to you You gave me sarcasm
But when i saw you the second time,My heart was set on sparks
My day lit up
I smile when you tease me
Each and every night i would think about you
Looking at every corner to see if you are around
Making me feel your warmth
My heart saddens if i Dun see you
All I'm saying is that desire comes and goes
I want you wif me every second I call you to see if you responded
And you would turn to even ask me y
The perfect world was just around us
But you did not acknowledge it
All i want is a simple yes
But now it is just gone
Not talking isn't gonna take it away
I'm missing you day and night
Not seeing you for a day could get me upset
I keep bleeding till you re gone
I treasure you in my heart always
Realizing how much i miss you
Day by day you drift away from me
I want you to be close to me forever
Being beside me when i need you
Lending me your shoulder when I'm crying.
Love is all around us..Love can be amazing, if you find the right person.Love can touch us one time, And last for a lifetime, And never let go till we're gone..So people out there who are in love hold on to ur partners as long as you can...And people who are not, not to worry the time will come....Stay Happy People.....
Pasie Out....
Friday, April 24, 2009
Hey ppl....
Like so damn tired....Tis week is crazy lor....haha thx to the chinese program..."table of glory"....which eric says as"glory of tennis"...funny sia....i just love saying the pharse"wao yao da ping pong".....haha Me n kok way keep saying and tt doreamon keep saying mumbai da india....lol wth sia.....Laugh till cry...2dae after PE had lunch wif Jocelyn, Kok way and Angie....I keep speaking in chinese and they keep laughing....then their turn to speak in indian and i keep laughing....LOL!!!!!!Then Later before going for parctical,Me and angie started to sing 'tong wa li'song...somemore it was recorded by kok way....And pls for godness sake dunt ever send it to OKTO hor....i will kill you.....KIdding......Then me and angie imitated the advertisement of the lemon and the ribena....Finding each other and holding hands and dancing....LOL tt was damn crazy hilarious.....Im still kikking abt it....then after practical went to demo kitchen to see some recipe books...tHEn ma'am talk talk talk talk abt the competitions.....Haiz damn boring....I was like playing wif my rubiks cube again an again.....Nothing much to blog leh.....
so yea tts all....
pasie out.....
Like so damn tired....Tis week is crazy lor....haha thx to the chinese program..."table of glory"....which eric says as"glory of tennis"...funny sia....i just love saying the pharse"wao yao da ping pong".....haha Me n kok way keep saying and tt doreamon keep saying mumbai da india....lol wth sia.....Laugh till cry...2dae after PE had lunch wif Jocelyn, Kok way and Angie....I keep speaking in chinese and they keep laughing....then their turn to speak in indian and i keep laughing....LOL!!!!!!Then Later before going for parctical,Me and angie started to sing 'tong wa li'song...somemore it was recorded by kok way....And pls for godness sake dunt ever send it to OKTO hor....i will kill you.....KIdding......Then me and angie imitated the advertisement of the lemon and the ribena....Finding each other and holding hands and dancing....LOL tt was damn crazy hilarious.....Im still kikking abt it....then after practical went to demo kitchen to see some recipe books...tHEn ma'am talk talk talk talk abt the competitions.....Haiz damn boring....I was like playing wif my rubiks cube again an again.....Nothing much to blog leh.....
so yea tts all....
pasie out.....
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hey yo im back....Yesterdae was really a tiring dae....Had practical and had quite a number of things to cook..We did Spanish meatballs, fish stock, potato pancakes which it tasted like bread, fillet fish and spaghetti cabonara.... Finished school at ard 7 then went back home ard 8.30....made dinner for my bro n myself and sat down to watch table of glory....damn tiring....then went slp lor....
Todae woke up at 11 then got ready to go school...went to tpy to buy present for my classmate then meet Joce,darren and eric at raffles place then went to school together...Had theory, just copy down slides again....So damn boring la....My class as usual,damn hilarious....Especially Andy....Keep talking and wouldn't shut up....And sorry ckw, never follow ur'll to go and play pool....So that's all nothing much to blog.....I will update soon....
Pasie out......
Thursday, April 16, 2009
My world....

Hey....Im back...Again!!!Tis week so far was my worst week...i wasnt really myself as in the happy,excited, crazy,nonsense girl which i was previously...I have no idea!!!I mean mondae was okay like hyper bt then wen it came to the rest of the week i was just mood out.Dunno y....tis week Jocelyn and i were saying to each other that we weren't gonna talk tt much bt surprisingly we did....haiz...Yesterdae had practical and we did beef stew wif pumpkin mash and vegetables...and chicken stock...i guess the beef stew was nice as i couldnt try so i ask my frend n he said mmmm yummy....And as i had to chop up thyme(kinda of herb)to throw it in my stew i actually cut my hand...Luckily wasnt that deep...And Joce its nt ur fault so u dunt have to apologise to mi aightes....tis things happen....and thank you Jocelyn,farhan,Chin Cher,Darren and those who helped mi yesterdae to claen up, wouldnt be able to do it without you guys.....So after practical had theory...Theory was kinda boring was like for three damn hours just copying down slides....bt was very fun as the same time as my class just couldnt SHUT UP....LOL....And ckw was really hilarious wen he imitate jocelyn...and wen i did it Han Wei said said smth to mi " "which was kinda insult.....The whole class laugh...Super bad sia he....So yea tts for yesterdae....Well for todae like had no sch....Cause thrs no PE...Normally every fridae have PE only no other lesson...So we dunt HAve school Todae...But Only certain ppl had to go back for remedial bt nt mi...But i had to go back to sch to give my Ma'am her book which i borrowed...Then waited for them like two hours to finish haiz... so long...actually waited for Jocelyn and sherine...After they finished went canteen and waited for them to eat their lunch...Aiyo Darren and Jocelyn huh....Duno wad to say!!!!!ARGUE ARGUE ARGUE....Darren as the INNOCENT one and Jocelyn as the GOOD one...HUH wad a joke.....Both of them STarted yesterdae and still havent finish....THey are super hilarious...Then i started the russell Peters jokes....was funny...And jia Hui you are....Call me Auntie...I dunt look like one okay...Oh besides u look like an AAPPEH.....LOL......ANwaies Jocelyn i still have ur paper bt i wont give u back ever...You so naughty....Must thank CKW alot alot....Wad nonsense you writing and you call tt ur doddling paper...i must say its more to nonsense paper....Dunt you ever ever write like tt anymore or even talk like tt anymore....UNDERSTAND mi!!!!!!!!!!!
Aightes i think i blog enough for 2dae....
C ya....
Aightes i think i blog enough for 2dae....
C ya....
Saturday, April 11, 2009
LA LA land
This is a poem from mi to duno who
Jumping from walls to chairs till the sky gets blue
Im eating cupcakes with strawberry mint gum
Singing tis all the way to LA LA Land...
Dancing in the rain
to take away my pain
All my actions is for my gain
Im drinking chocolate smoothie
To smooth my throat
Followed by a blueberry float....
And im doing tis all the way to LA LA Land....
Tis poem is nonsense....Im just so darn bored tt i came up wif this poem....Jocelyn la ask mi to blog so heres the blog u wanted...Im sry i dunt have anything to blog...You asked for nonsense i gave you nonsense...hahah..Cant wait for 2morrow...Go back to sch,most ppl feel sian to go back to school bt i feel so darn excited.Well I love wad im studying and i love my class alot...
Well i will blog wen free...
Jumping from walls to chairs till the sky gets blue
Im eating cupcakes with strawberry mint gum
Singing tis all the way to LA LA Land...
Dancing in the rain
to take away my pain
All my actions is for my gain
Im drinking chocolate smoothie
To smooth my throat
Followed by a blueberry float....
And im doing tis all the way to LA LA Land....
Tis poem is nonsense....Im just so darn bored tt i came up wif this poem....Jocelyn la ask mi to blog so heres the blog u wanted...Im sry i dunt have anything to blog...You asked for nonsense i gave you nonsense...hahah..Cant wait for 2morrow...Go back to sch,most ppl feel sian to go back to school bt i feel so darn excited.Well I love wad im studying and i love my class alot...
Well i will blog wen free...
Saturday, April 4, 2009
S I A Week
Haiz....just finish a week helping out in school....We have to help the S I A leading stewards and stewardess...They came to our school to learn how to prepare food...It was very fun but at the same time very exhausting....They were very hilarious at the same time....I made alot of friends and learnt alot of new stuff and at the same time we are getting paid so thats not that bad...haha So i now left with one week of holiday and im going to spend it relaxing like a lazy pig...I dunt care...Nowadays im listening to chinese song and watching to chinese sit-coms....hmmm thx to mummy la.....haha im enjoying it anyway...and argh INDRA.....u owe mi an Answer man....I cant wait till school repoens....Im going to kill you i swear......haha
Update wen i can...
Update wen i can...
Saturday, March 28, 2009

thx kok way for this picture.....SO anyway went chalet on monday came back on tuesday morning...It was like so fun la....like explore so many many things haha..Bt super exhausted la like nvr slp the whole night played heart attack and did some walking around costa sand chalet...I really love my class alot...They bring out the fun whacky mi.....hhahahaha....Well next week have to go back to school to help out the SIA people...Yipee so sian staying at home somemore got three weeks of holiday.....n besides im getting paid for doing this job which isnt abad thing....o yay jocelyn i really miss ya lots.....i want to see ya soon and i want to go BURGER KING and eat tt u noe wad im craving for aeee.......so ya...tts all for now i guess...update wen im free.
P.S. (To someone) Im so sorry tt i hurt ur feeling.Hope you will forgive mi..
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Its Sundae....yea another 1 more night more to go.....2morrow im going to my class BBQ and chalet...So excited.Cant wait cant wait....and before going jocelyn's coming to my hse haha...sure do nonsense one...Need to warm up be4 going to downtown east.haha anwaies nth really to blog rite now....Have to go clean hse wah sian....After like i think so long im finally talking to my sis again haha...so damn happy...we fought abt i dunt noe wad n wif my stubborn attitude i refused to talk to her hehe....Im So sorry i guess i cant tell this infront of her...but the hell we are talking again so yea....yipee
blog another dae...
Monday, March 16, 2009
Emo dae
So went to school as per normal...We went through our test paper then my teacher went out n the class was like totally crazy whacky hyperactive la...Was kinda of relak i would say....But it was so fun...Playing in the classroom so childish rite hehex...then beating ppls hands haha..basically it was very fun 2dae but at the end of the class i was kinda emo had no idea y....just felt it, maybe cause im damn tired...hahax anwaies jocelyn im so so so upset...i wish i can express it. i think u noe wad im refering to rite....N im shocked abt the news that u told mi... i li.ke cant believe it la.
Tts all for now....
Tts all for now....
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Yesterdae my class and i went to "The Cathy" to watch movie. Was like a class outing.We went to watch"Coming soon".Was like scary for me la.I Cried cause it was scary and i dunt really like scary movies...And i was the first one to run out of the theater.Hahas then after the movie we went carefour wif our ma'am and she like kinda a tour guide for us haha...i bought brownie wahhhh.....damn nice lor....so damn soft and nice.....Then we went to play arcade and took pics wif ma'am..Then one of my class mates damn bad....we past by this shop selling creps n he thought was prata n he said wah 'Brindha Prata'....wah basket sia he......hehe then we went home...anwaies nxt week onwards is like theory thrs no practical for us....gona be damn boring la.....haiz...nvm..Well im going to sleep write in wen im free...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Nonsense Medicines...

Im so damn tired.....Well is another tiring dae...i had a face test 2dae phew yo damn tiring bt it was like so damn easy.went to sch ard 1pm and finished ard 5.30-6pm...N yea argh..jocelyn u arrr nvr tell mi...wad suprise sia i like nvr give you reaction hahahaha...i thought remster was some1 else hehe....then wad the hell huh....you ar.nvm nvm nvm.haha n yea 2dae i my nonsense medicine.u la teach mi all the nonsense things.N u u u u almost was late for the test u noe...Go n eat la until we had to run to sch...LOL..wow 2morrow have to go sch n do practical again ....early in the morning somemore.then wad did i tell u in the train...shit i forgot..nvm will come to me during my sleep.haha anw im dan tired going to slp.
Adioz ppl
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The first post....
Yipee at last i created my blog again.......Well this is my first post.haha anwaies 2dae was like super super not tiring.....i mean class started at 3 so yea relak n went to sch wif ma mummy n wee ping...we went early to do our project bt like in the end we ended up eating lunch at MOS BURGER....haha then after we ate we like very lazy to do our project lor....haha then we walked to school but as we walked my n my mummy's mouth very itchy lor cannot tahan....like we wanted bubble tea especially me...haiz like my drug....im so addicted to it la...haha then go to sch n start doing project...(as if) i think we all take out lappy to show off haha....No la.. then i think we were in class ard for only 1 hr then we went to canteen to have a chat wif our lovable ma'am..talk talk talk until 5 then can go HOME YAAHOO.....As we were walking HW keep insulting mi lor...he ah....like feel like KILLING HIM....Just an expression.....so yeaa then blah blah blah.....i went home, bath,eat n blogging...aightes...THe end.....
TATS ALL for now.....
TATS ALL for now.....
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